At our preschool, fostering learning in children is at the heart of everything we do.…
The Role of Parent Involvement in Private Preschool Education
If you’re like most parents, you want the very best for your children when it comes to their education. According to a survey by the Cato Institute, a public policy research organization, 55% of private schools reported enrollment increases for both the 2021–2022 and 2022–2023 academic years. With these institutions continuing to grow, you can expect the best private preschool to prioritize various aspects of your little one’s physical and academic development. However, parental involvement is also crucial to academic success. Let’s look at a few ways your involvement enhances your child’s education.
Creating Bonds Between Home and School
In an ideal situation, the school and home are partners that work together to assist children in their educational journey. When parents get involved, children feel more connected to their school and will start to feel a sense of pride and belonging. If the parent demonstrates interest in their school, the child will most likely also show interest. When students see their parents emphasizing the importance of learning, it can result in enhanced performance in the classroom and an increased curiosity in extracurricular activities.
Staying Informed of Your Child’s Progress
The more parents are involved, the more aware they’ll be of their little one’s educational progress. There are generally ups and downs in every student’s educational journey so it’s vital that parents are there to catch potential issues early on. When you stay involved and well-connected with the teachers and administrators, you’ll be more aware of what’s going on and better informed of matters that may need to be addressed. This gives you the opportunity to ensure your child’s needs are met in collaboration with their instructors. Seeing the adults in their lives working together contributes to a child’s self value and the importance of their growth and long-term success.
Crafting Community
The best private preschool prides itself on a sense of community. Community is only built through family involvement. You want your child to feel that they are an important part of their institution’s community. This is much more likely to develop if you are an active participant! When parents and teachers collaborate, instructors learn more about students, including their strengths and weaknesses; this can contribute positively to individual learning experiences for young learners.
These are just a few ways that parental involvement is important in private education settings. If you’re looking for the best private preschool in the Miami, FL area, get in touch with Key Point Academy Coral Gables today. We are here to help you and your child make the most of their learning journey through private education.